Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member,
Illinois law requires all school districts to notify students and staff when lawn care chemicals are being used in or around school facilities.
Please be aware that weed control and fertilization of the hardscape areas at all District 207U schools will take place on the following day(s):
October 28, 2023
We are committed to minimizing the use of chemicals for weed control and lawn care, but at times, it is necessary to properly maintain the facility.
If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Director of Buildings & Grounds at (708) 258-0991 Ext. 2125
Public Notice: (415 ILCS 65/) Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act.
Please see the message below regarding the Girl Scouts from Unit 714's upcoming Annual Fall Food Drive.
Are you ready for.... GAME DAY GIVING!
The students were very excited to here the details on the announcements this morning! Who is going to be our winning LEAGUE?!?!
It's time for a Football Frenzy Fundraiser!!!
Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member,
Illinois law requires all school districts to notify students and staff when lawn care chemicals are being used in or around school facilities.
Please be aware that weed control and fertilization of the lawns/hardscape areas at all District 207U schools will take place on the following day(s):
October 9, 2023 (Columbus Day - No School)
We are committed to minimizing the use of chemicals for weed control and lawn care, but at times, it is necessary to properly maintain the facility.
If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Director of Buildings & Grounds at (708) 258-0991 Ext. 2125
Public Notice: (415 ILCS 65/) Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act.
We are pleased to inform you that Peotone School District 207U has posted its annual budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year on our official school district website. To access the budget document, please visit our school district website at
The PHS Renaissance Club would like to wish Kim Pagliarulo a very Happy Birthday. Kim is our Business Tchnology and Digital Media Teacher at Peotone High School. Enjoy your favorite snacks on your birthday Mrs. Pags!!!
At last night’s meeting of the Board of Education, the Board accepted my retirement which will be at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. It has truly been my privilege to serve as the Superintendent of Peotone Schools since July 2013. Please see the attached announcement regarding my retirement and the welcoming of our new building and district administrators.
Peotone School District is partnering with the Orland Park Dental Program to provide dental services to our students. If you would like your student to participate in the program this year, please use the link provided. Participating in this program will take care of the dental requirement for Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grade students.
The dates are tentative depending on the number of students signed up:
Monday, October 2nd Peotone Intermediate Center
Tuesday, October 3rd Peotone Elementary School
Wednesday, October 4th Peotone Early Education Program
Thursday, October 5th Peotone Junior High School
Friday, October 6th Peotone High School
The PHS Renaissance Club would like to wish Sheri Schubbe a very Happy Birthday. Sheri is our Librarian and Media Specialist and Book Club Sponsor for Peotone School District #207U. Enjoy your favorite snacks on your special day Mrs. Schubbe!!!
The PHS Renaissance Club would like to wish Andrew Butz a Happy Birthday. Andrew is a Social Studies Teacher and Coach at Peotone High School. Enjoy your favorite snacks on your special day Mr. Butz!!!
Helping Hands Food Pantry - 9/20/2023 (1-5:30pm)
Open to all Peotone School District families
The PHS Renaissance Club would like to wish Tyler Miller a very Happy Birthday. Tyler is an English Teacher at Peotone High School. Enjoy your favorite snacks Mrs. Miller!!!
At PES, we have an annual tradition to invite some of our local heroes- Peotone Police and Fire Department- as we remember September 11th. Thank you Peotone Fire and Police Department for your service to our community and for keeping is safe!
Peotone CUSD 207U is seeking qualified applicant(s) for the open position of Peotone Elementary School Anticipated Paraprofessional. Interested candidates contact Mrs. Carole Zurales, Principal, at to learn more about this opportunity to join our team! Apply here:
Welcome to the Peotone Class of 2036!!!
We are so excited to have you here and can't wait to see you grow throughout the years in our school district!
We had a great first day of school at PES for our first, second and third graders!
A huge THANK YOU to Happy Lawn Signs for the extra special setup to welcome our students back! Thanks again everyone for voting so we get these special signs throughout our year! If you are looking for a yard sign, please support this local business who loves to support our schools!
August 23, 2023
Peotone Parents & Families,
We are very excited to be welcoming a guest speaker, Dr. Don Parker, to present to our 3rd-12th grade students and staff on Monday, August 28th. Dr. Parker is a former administrator who has focused his career on creating positive school climates, building relationships, and increasing resiliency to support student achievement. We are looking forward to his message on Monday.
Dr. Parker will be meeting with our students in three separate groups:
3rd-5th Grade – 8:45-9:45
9th-12th Grade – 10:00-11:00
6th-8th Grade – 1:15-2:15
All presentations will be held in the Peotone High School gymnasium. 3rd-8th grade students will be transferred to and from the high school for the presentation.
Due to the excessive heat and humidity this week, the dismissal times for all Peotone Schools have been changed from a Common Plan release to a SIP Day dismissal. SIP Day dismissals will be in place this Wednesday (8/23), Thursday (8/24), and Friday (8/25).
Due to an AT&T outage, all Peotone Schools are without internet and are unable to receive phone calls at this time (8/18). AT&T is aware of the issue and is looking to have it fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to an AT&T outage, all Peotone Schools are without internet and are unable to receive phone calls at this time (8/18). AT&T is aware of the issue and is looking to have it fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.